Files for printing
All materials must be delivered ad PDF files:
- PDF 1.4-1.6 (Acrobat 5-7)
- PDF/X-1a:2001
Files should be prepared in 1:1 scale and orientation: portrait. The pages must contain bleeds.
The order of the pages in the file should correspond to the order of the pages in the book. It is permissible to transmit pages separately with a description according to a model, e.g: „001_TYT_01.pdf”.
- 001 – page number
- TYT – abreviation title
- 01 – file version (the next patch of the file should be marked 02, 03, etc.)
All graphic elements of the page must be prepared in CMYK color space. Graphic elements and photos prepared in other color spaces, such as RGB, can be changed in the printing house at the request of the customer [conversion is done after the profile „U.S. Web Coated (SWOP) v2”].
We allow the use of additionnals colors – Pantone. Pantone colors will be printed as described in Pantone+ Solid Coated for coated papers and Pantone+ Solid Uncoated dor uncoated papers.
Each page should have bleeds of at least 3 mm on all sides.
Important text or graphic elements should be no less than 4 mm from the cutting line.
Graphic Elements
Bitmaps (photos) should be prepared in 200-300 dpi resolution and embedded as TIFF objects with lossless comression (LZW, ZIP) or high quality JPEG. Lower resolution will visibly reduce print quality and higher resolution will unnecessarily increase file size without affecting print quality. Low quality (high compression) JPEG will also have a negative impact on print quality.
- The minimum level of writing in one color shall be:
- for one-piece cuts 6 pt,
- for one-piece cuts 7 pt.
- The minimum of level of hanfwriting printed in more than one color or in reverse in:
- for one-piece cuts 8 pt,
- for one-piece cuts 10 pt.
- The smallest acceptable line thickness is 0.2 pt. Lines made in reverse or in more than one color should have a thickness of not less than 0.75 pt.
- Black text on a colored background must be printed (overprint option used).
- In order to achieve greater black depth in the apllication areas, it is necessary to generate black from 4 colors:
- C 70, M 60, Y 60, K 100 for coated papers,
- C 50, M 40, Y 40, K 100 for uncoated papers (newsprint).
- In order to avoid inacurrate matching, traps should be created (trapping), i. e. minimal overlapping of colors.
- Black texts with a size les than or equal to 18 pt on a colored background (CMYK) must be printed (overprint). Exception are texts (K or CMYK) on spot color (Pantone, metallic color), where selection (knockout) shoul be used.
- Black texts above 24 pt can be made from 4 colors.
- White elements or texts must be selected (knockout option used).
- The minimum level of writing in one color shall be:
The UV spot lacquer mask should be prepared in a sperate file. All lacquered parts must be marqued with one, 100% color.
The emboosing mask should be prepared in a separate file. Only single-colored vector elements with a thickness of not less than 0,5 mm and located not less than 2mm apart may be use.